
Andrej Kazakov

Andrej Kazakov

This blog

Every now and so often I would come across an interesting problem, eventually I would solve it and forget about  it. After a while a similar problem would appear. Reinventing the wheel is only fun the first few times. I wanted to keep track of all those interesting ideas I would come across in this blog since December 2007. Mostly for my own benefit, but possibly someone else might use my solutions.

A little about myself

I come from Lithuania, currently live in the UK. Only a few last months remain before my graduation from the University of Southampton, MEng Software Engineering. And I love snowboarding, hence the mountain theme for the blog.

You are welcome to email me: andrejserafim at mail dot ru

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Lisa says:

    I just read a ScienceDaily article on your solution to the Travelling Salesman Problem. Bravo and good luck with your work. And cheers from India.

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